Comstock's 4Q23 Stakeholder Perception Analysis Report
The Comstock Inc. (NYSE: LODE) Q4 2023 Stakeholder Perception Analysis Report (the “Report”) was compiled by the Company’s investor relations firm, RB Milestone Group LLC (“RBMG”), and provides insight into the Company’s operational milestones and perceived strengths and weaknesses from the perspective of its stakeholders. Also enclosed in the Report is a brief video recording of Comstock’s Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Corrado De Gasperis, addressing the results.
RBMG gathered the data from the investor survey during the period of October 26, 2023 (Comstock’s 3Q23 earnings call) to December 31, 2023 (the end of 4Q23). RBMG proactively collects submissions from a variety of participants to create a broad and balanced dataset. The participants include, but are not limited to, small to larger shareholders, prospective shareholders and strategic industry participants. The categories within the Report were confirmed by Company management and RBMG, neither of which participated in the survey.
Comstock intends to publish these reports compiled by RBMG on a quarterly basis whereby the surveying period will commence after each earnings call and close at the end of the respective quarter. The investor survey will be available for participation in the investors section on the Company’s website during each surveying period and replaced by the final quarterly perception analysis report once completed.
Report Overview
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